Joining these ladies in finding everyday contentment.
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Sorry for the flash glare - the photos taken without flash were all blurry! |
Lately I have been doing a lot of work to pretty up corners of our home. Every so often I sink into the slump of not wanting to do anything more than minimal housework because this is not our own home. Recognising the beauty in small parts of the house is the best anecdote to that. Once you tidy and rearrange a corner of the room, you tend to be more inclined to go on and deep clean other areas.
In part I blame the weather for this affliction. It is just so hot here. All. The. Time. And, it gets to me - as I am definitely a winter loving girl. I love living the seasons; turning inwards as the days grow short and cold and cleaning as warmth fills the air. Ah well, I keep reminding myself that it is only a matter of months before we are out of here (and my baby goes to Kindergarten. Sob! I am really struggling to come to terms with that. She is only just about to turn 3 and I will only have six months more of her at home!) And there are some pretty good things in Darwin, one of which I will come to in my {Happy}.
We purchased this beautiful print of Our Lady of the Southern Cross by Paul Newman. As we draw towards Easter we come ever closer to the conclusion of our RCIA programme and I wanted to find a way to thank our sponsors for their support and the time they have given us - not to mention babysitting our children so we can attend together! I found this beautiful print online that was commissioned for World Youth Day when it was held in Sydney in 2008. I loved it, and so bought a copy for each of them (which we will give them after Easter Vigil) and one for our own wall.
It is our first piece of "Religious Art". Multiple times a day I stop at it on the way to the kitchen and contemplate it. I know it is a very westernised version of Jesus and Mary and that in all probability that were dark skinned, but the fact that the infant Jesus reminds me of Tom Kitten so much - with that little belly sticking out - just reinforces for the humaness of the story. Only recently has the reality, by which I mean their pain, joy, and fear, of the people in the bible come home to me and I think part of it has to do with becoming a mother and thus identifying with Mary and Jesus.
One of the aspects I have loved about the RCIA programme has been the development of my knowledge and understanding of my Christian faith - yes, in part it has been learning about the Catholic church and its teaching but more than that I have had the chance to discuss the bible in a level of detail I - a post-catechism born Anglican (ie. one who grew up in the Anglican church after teaching the catechism had fallen out of favour) - have never been exposed to before. We are very blessed with our parish Priest who is most unassuming but so knowledgeable and a wonderful teacher. One of the comments Father made in the lead-up to Christmas last year was that Mary was a Jew who knew her scriptures and knew what was foretold in terms of sacrifice for her son as a saviour to the world. And, that is what I think about everytime I see this picture. Mary knew and yet she still did what God asked of her. And, Jesus, Saviour of the world a tiny infant in his mothers arm's - loving cuddles, and closeness just like Tom Kitten, and with fate of such enormity and criticalness in front of him. Our God, came down to earth not just as a human, but as the most vulnerable of humans - a baby.
The RCIA journey has also seen our little family turn inward, and in part explains my long absence from this site. My maternal grandmother who I unfortunately never had the privilege to meet as she died when my Mum was young, grew up a Quaker and had the most beautiful philosophy on faith differences. She believed that we all look through different windows on the same God. To me, being christian unites us, and our particular denomination / faith is simply our window on the same God. We have found a window that is clearer for us. I pray that yours is clear for you too.
And boy, have I got off track on that one. Hijacked my {Pretty} discussion well and truly. Other pretty corners of the house have been my framed and completed Winterwoods cross-stitch, which though my first attempt at cross-stitch will certainly not be my last. Our table glows with roses found on half price sale at Woolworths. And Noah our street cat turned house pet, residing on his new 'Circus' cat scratcher. Not a necessity I grant you, but it was an attempt to save the leather couches and floor rugs from a certain feline's claws. Cats do maketh a home I find and we love having Noah around! We found him undesexed, uncollared, unmicrochipped and very skinny wandering under the rainbow - hence the name.
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Ginger loves her uncle! |
A few weeks ago we purchased year long tickets to the Territory Wildlife Park. We love going there. On Saturday morning we got up early and Mr Provincial baked crumpies for breakfast. We headed out to the wildlife park and along with Mr Provincial's brother were the only ones there. We got the Pelican feeding all to ourselves. Since the pelicans were proving fussy about which fish they would eat - for the record they like mullet not herring - the keeper also threw fish to the Whistling Kite and we saw it catch the fish in mid air.
Mr Provincial and his brother got to feed the stringrays at the 'Oolloo Sandbar'. Meanwhile I tried to hold onto Tom Kitten who was attempting to scale the fence into the enclosure while pacifying Ginger who was sobbing because she didn't want Daddy to go into the water with the stingrays!
Ginger and I spent Tom Kitten's nap the other day sculpting with playdough.
Here we have her cat and my cat.
Tom Kitten is a climber.
Let me restate that. Tom Kitten is a really good climber. And, he is only 10 months old yet and can't actually walk yet. I fear for the future!
The other day I made Ginger a sandwich. She ate half and left the remainder on the bench. She called me over to something she wanted and then I turned around and saw this.
Tom Kitten at the kitchen bench eating her sandwich and looking very pleased with himself.
Then there was the incident at the Wildlife Park on the train.
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Excuse appearance, have I mentioned it's hot here? |
It is now impossible to leave him unsupervised for even a minute. I have no idea how I will ever get housework done again.
TK is a wild little baby! How cute!
ReplyDeleteI love your post today. You are a good egg.
I feel for you, enduring all that hot weather. Yikes. I would struggle with the day in and day out high temps.
Ginger is off to kindergarten so soon? Where did the time go?
I like your pretty corners and I love that kitty.
Welcome home! Are you entering the church this Easter? I entered the church 21 years ago this Easter and it was not popular with most of my family either. In fact it caused a rift that was never mended until it was too late. But know that, you must follow God. in the end He will see us through it all.
ReplyDeleteThe "incident on the train" photo is hilarious. I completely understand your desire for winter. South Texas does not stay quite as hot as Darwin year round, but heat stroke, no shade, and 12 months of summer with shorts and t-shirts year round was just far too much, as was the wilting heat just crossing the parking lot to the grocery store or carting (hot!) laundry from the laundry shed across the apartment complex. Do you know where you'll be posted next?
ReplyDeleteWhat exciting news about your choice to enter the Catholic church! I hope it is an immense blessing to you and your family - it sounds like the chance to learn deeply about scripture and theology is already yielding rich rewards. As you know, my husband is Catholic and I am (evangelical/reformed) protestant. We did deal with opposition and concerns from some friends and family before our marriage as well as early disagreements between each other. If it's any encouragement, that resolved quite satisfactorily (except for one grandmother who keeps trying to check to make sure he's really Christian *eye roll*). Like you, we've found remembering that we are united as Christians and that "catholic" means "universal" very helpful. Whenever we get too tense over denominational differences, a return to scripture and to books like C.S. Lewis's brilliant "Mere Christianity" always helps. We've gained so much from combining one another's church backgrounds - from my side in-depth preaching, scripture study (he grew up in Catholic churches that did not offer much catechesis/scripture study), and great hymns, from his side beautiful liturgy, reverent worship, and a rich historical grounding, just to start. I'm so glad you've found the right church for you! Best wishes!