
Friday, March 18, 2011

On My Mind: Neville

Joining in Rhonda's On My Mind series.

Late in spring (here in the Southern Hemisphere) we put in a watermelon vine from the local country markets.  Recently it grew a watermelon. 

My husband named it Neville.  His (the watermelon's, that is) little sister was called Ophelia.  [My husband is following cyclone nomenclature here - alternating male and female names in alphabetical order]  Ophelia met a sad end when a possum ate her.  Fortunately DH had already constructed a possum proof safety net over Neville when this tragedy occurred.  We actually didn't think Ophelia was big enough yet to need protecting, but we are new to this gardening game and it turned out she was still attractive possum food. 

We harvested Neville yesterday and hope that we will get another watermelon before the weather turns too cold.


  1. Neville looks good Watermelon...Enjoy!

  2. I have never thought of naming my it. Perhaps I should get one of the kids to name the pumpkins....all twenty of them. Pumpkins not kids....vbg. Hope Neville is as good to eat as he looks.

  3. We are waiting for ours to be ready but haven't named them yet!

  4. MMMmmmmmmmm....that looks wonderful!
